特写在线观看,电影特写讲述:More than 150 silent short films about singers, actors and directors captured during Press Conferences in Cannes, Venice and Berlin, between 1993 and 2002. Presented the first time in 2012 (ten years after the last shooting) in Napoli Film Festival and in 2013 at the Art Institute of California in Santa Ana. An anthropological experiment on the facial expressions of famous people showing the human being aspect. All original footage from Mel Gibson to Peter Jackson, from George Lucas to Catherine Deneuve, from Michael Douglas to Giancarlo Giannini and many others.
特写是由Tiziano Sossi执导、米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼,艾莎·阿基多,达里奥·阿基多,罗伯托·贝尼尼,金·凯瑞,埃里克·克莱普顿,肖恩·康纳利,凯文·科斯特纳,汤姆·克鲁斯,罗伯特·德尼罗,凯瑟琳·德纳芙,约翰尼·德普,迈克尔·道格拉斯,哈里森·福特,维托里奥·加斯曼等领衔主演的电影,在2012上映播出,嘟嘟电影网提供了特写在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷。