
拿破仑:以艺术之名 (2021)

拿破仑:以艺术之名在线观看,电影拿破仑:以艺术之名讲述:After Jesus Christ, Napoleon is the most famous man in history. To mark the 200th anniversary in 2021 of Napoleon’s death, this cinematic documentary explores the complex relationship between Napoleon, culture and art. It is about the language he used to build a new imperial iconography and a new architectural style, in a reconstruction that will also allow us to reflect on the relationship between power and image mediated by art, as well as look at the regimes of the twentieth century and the world today. A unique tour from Brera Academy in Milan to the Louvre in Paris in the company of the best art historian experts. Over 170 thousand books have been written about him. But how was it that such an unlikely little lad became such a successful and powerful icon, an example for today's statesmen and even corporate managers, a model for future strategists and communicators?
