
吸血鬼:第六集迷人的双眼 (1916)

吸血鬼:第六集迷人的双眼在线观看,电影吸血鬼:第六集迷人的双眼讲述:Sixth chapter picks up about two weeks after the previous chapter's end, and the trail has gone cold. Another murder in Fontainebleau, possibly by Les Vampires, puts Phillipe on their trail again. Irma Vep and another are soon spotted at a nearby theatre, and followed by Phillipe. Retrieval of a parcel left for Les Vampires informs them that The Grand Vampire is hiding at a hotel under an assumed name, and of a $200.000 robbery of an American. The hotel is located and, ultimately is discovered to be the base of operations of Les Vampires. What appears to be green-tinted bullfighting footage seems out of place. Sepia-tinted scene of Irma Vep rummaging about in hotel room is creepy looking, she is then captured and held for ransom by Moreno-- but the serial is wearing a bit thin now, with treasure maps and hypnotism being thrown into the plot, and the chapters are not only getting more convoluted, but also longer.
