肖像在线观看,电影肖像讲述:木下惠介遇上黑泽明的剧本,分明一部喜剧,越看下去越是人性和命运的交响曲。喜剧的前提和开篇,滑稽贪婪的房屋经纪要赶走租住其目标破房子的穷画家,跟情妇搬到画家楼上见步行步。不正经的情妇给楼下的开心快活人天天小姐前小姐后,叫得真以为自己是大家闺秀了,谁知烦恼就这么开始。当画家 的模特儿本是美事啊,给那眼睛望着真如沐在清澈河水里,但善良的眼神无声无息变了穿心箭,用心做小姐原来好痛苦。楼上叹世界楼下捱世界,孰是天国孰是地狱,就是吊诡。 @Summer IFF 2012 From a script by his more widely recognised peer, Kurosawa Akira, Kinoshita Keisuke constructs a sensitive examination of an affluent but spiritually bankrupt real estate broker forced into a fresh outlook on life by an impoverished but enlightened artist. Intending to turn a tidy profit renovating a crumbling house, the broker tries to drive the artist and his family out of the home by moving his bawdy mistress into it. The plan starts to splinter when she agrees to sit for a portrait. Kinoshita deftly balances humour and drama for an astute reflection on art, reality, commerce, and fundamental humanism.