苦中带点甜的爱在线观看,电视剧苦中带点甜的爱讲述:Kim是一个为人处事谨慎的高管,是一个完美主义者。他父母去世之后接管了曼谷某个酒店的董事长一职,他一直在尽心管理酒店、照顾自己唯一的妹妹,但是他有一个无法跟别人说的秘密。 Ryu是酒店里的一位天才甜点师,长相好看、笑容满面,他相信甜品能够给人带来快乐。Paul是一个帅气的酒店合伙人继承人,是一个花花公子,女生都无法拒绝他的魅力。虽然他从小被家人拿来跟Kim做比较,但是这并没有影响他和Kim的友情。Jin是酒店餐厅的主厨,在他的笑容下总是隐藏着自己的真实情绪。Jim有着自己的梦想,准备去努力实现。 Kim is a handsome executive with a discreet personality. He is the definition of Perfectionist. He took up the position of Executive Director of Hotel Villa De Bangkok after his parents passed away. He has been taking care of the entire hotel and his only sister. He has secrets that he can’t tell anyone. Ryu is the talented pâtissier of Hotel Villa De Bangkok and specializes in desserts. He is a good looking young man whose always has a bright smile with the belief that sweets give joy to everyone. Paul is the handsome, charming, heir to Hotel Villa De Bangkok partners. He is a playful and flirtatious man. Ladies can’t deny his charm. Although forced to be a strong rival with Kim the other heir to the hotel since childhood, Paul has never let it affect their friendship. Jim is a close friend of the hotel owner. He is also the Head Chef of the restaurant. Under that smiling face, he is perfect at hiding his true feelings. Jim has his own dreams and he endeavors to accomplish them, even if he has to go through alot of difficulties.
