在同一片肌肤下在线观看,电影在同一片肌肤下讲述:柏林电影节金熊奖提名,改编自法国作家居伊·代·卡尔的同名小说。纽约林肯中心阿根廷新浪潮电影回顾展作品。 Melodramas are often prized for their convoluted narratives, full of reversals, dead-ends, and uncanny coincidences; as such, UNDER THE SAME SKIN is one of the finest Argentine examples of the genre. Twin sisters grow up and separate: one becomes a nun, devoting her life to the mystical; the other enjoys more earthly pleasures. The more worldly sister becomes involved with a smooth-talking but nefarious gigolo, who traps her in a web of schemes, brutality and finally violence, from which only her twin can finally save her. Beautifully shot by Alberto Etchebehere, arguably Argentina's greatest cinematographer, UNDER THE SAME SKIN is a morality tale in which every character seems to be following, or inventing, their own moral codes.
