标准温度在线观看,电影标准温度讲述:一个曾经留学在外的年轻女子,刚刚回到她离开多年的城市,与父母正经历着重新认识彼此的阶段。与此同时,她与陌生人之间的偶然交谈也在不可预见地发生着。在如此的不确定中,一种关联独立个体之间的相处温度,正从她的生活缩影中浮现出来。 The storyis a gathering of casual events which happened to a younglady, who has a study abroad background and just returned to her parents after years. These causal events consist of some pieces of her daily life encountering different people and handling herrelationship with the distant parents.Uncertainty grows within their conversations and consequences are always unpredictable.