LIVE在线观看,电影LIVE讲述:在不久的将来。很多事情都和今天一样,但有一点不是:恐怖袭击的数量增长如此之快,以至于任何公开集会都是被禁止的。任何形式的文化和人类的大部分互动都是由电子设备介导的。心理学家克莱尔决定打破孤立,并计划与她的兄弟奥雷尔,一个著名的小号演奏家,谁在虚拟观众面前演唱会只有多年的秘密音乐会。在黑客艾达和马克西姆斯的支持下,他们的计划似乎成功了。一切顺利。直到其他事情开始严重出错。 In the near future. Many things are like today, one thing isn't: The number of terror attacks has increased so rapidly that any gathering in public is prohibited. Any form of culture and most of human interaction is mediated by an electronic device. The psychologist Claire decides to break the isolation and plans a secret concert with her brother Aurel, a famous trumpet player who has performed concerts in front of virtual audiences only for years. Supported by the hackers Ada and Maximus, their plan seems to succeed. Things go well. Until something else starts to go deeply wrong.
